Posted On: Nov 28, 2022

Amazon S3 Multi-Region Access Points failover controls let you shift S3 data access request traffic routed through an Amazon S3 Multi-Region Access Point to an alternate AWS Region within minutes to test and build highly available applications. S3 Multi-Region Access Points provide a single global endpoint to access a data set that spans multiple S3 buckets in different AWS Regions. With S3 Multi-Region Access Points failover controls, you can operate S3 Multi-Region Access Points in an active-passive configuration where you can designate an active AWS Region to service all S3 requests and a passive AWS Region that will only be routed to when it is made active during a planned or unplanned failover. You easily shift S3 data access request traffic from an active AWS Region to a passive AWS Region typically within 2 minutes to test application resiliency and perform disaster recovery simulations.

Amazon S3 Multi-Region Access Points failover controls give your applications a multi-region architecture that can help you achieve resiliency and compliance needs, while helping you maintain business continuity during regional traffic disruptions. If you operate S3 Multi-Region Access Points, consider pairing with S3 Intelligent-Tiering, a storage class that delivers automatic storage cost savings when data access patterns change before and after a failover. Amazon S3 Intelligent-Tiering delivers automatic cost savings without data retrieval costs, performance impacts, or operational overhead. You can monitor the shift of your S3 traffic between AWS Regions after a failover in Amazon CloudWatch. 

S3 Multi-Region Access Points are supported in 17 AWS Regions and are available at a per-GB request routing charge, plus an internet acceleration charge for requests that are made to S3 from outside of AWS. You will be charged standard S3 API request costs to view and change the current routing control status of each Region for initiating a failover. See the Amazon S3 pricing page for pricing details on Amazon S3 Multi-Region Access Points, S3 Replication, S3 API usage, data transfer, and the S3 Intelligent-Tiering storage class. You can get started with failover controls using the Amazon S3 CLI, SDK, or with a few clicks in the S3 console; for more information on getting started visit the S3 User Guide. To learn more, visit the S3 Multi-Region Access Point feature page and the AWS News Blog post for this capability.