Posted On: Dec 7, 2022

Starting today, Amazon EC2 Is4gen and Im4gn instances, the latest generation storage-optimized instances, are available in Europe (Paris) region. Based on the AWS Nitro System, Im4gn and Is4gen instances are powered by AWS Graviton2 processors and are built using AWS Nitro SSDs which reduce both latency and latency variability compared to the third generation of EC2 storage optimized instances. 

Im4gn instances are optimized for applications requiring compute performance such as MySQL, NoSQL databases, and file systems. Is4gen instances provide dense SSD storage per vCPU for applications requiring high random I/O access to large amounts of local SSD data, such as stream processing and monitoring, real-time databases, and log analytics.

These instances can utilize AWS Elastic Fabric Adapter (EFA) and take advantage of Amazon’s Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) for security and reliability.

Get started with Is4gen and Im4gn instances by visiting the AWS Management Console, AWS Command Line Interface (CLI), or AWS SDKs. To learn more, visit the Im4gn and Is4gen instances page.