Posted On: Dec 29, 2022

Starting today, AWS Network Firewall provides a status message about the current state of each firewall endpoint. This further simplifies troubleshooting firewall endpoint failures by displaying an error message describing the reason for a firewall endpoint failure and reduces mean time to recovery by providing steps to recover the firewall endpoint.

Previously, AWS Network Firewall only displayed the firewall endpoint status, such as “Creating,” “Deleting,” “Scaling,” or “Ready,” but when something failed, it was difficult to identify the cause of a failure. The firewall remained stuck in this condition, and no additional information was available to aid in the recovery process. With this launch, AWS Network Firewall now provides a status message explaining the reason why a firewall endpoint failed to help you troubleshoot. For each failure scenario, the status message includes next steps to help you recover the firewall endpoint. You can see the status message for each firewall endpoint using the AWS Management Console, the AWS API, or the AWS CLI.

AWS Network Firewall is a managed firewall service that makes it easy to deploy essential network protections for all your Amazon VPCs. Firewall status messages are provided by default, and there is no additional charge to use this feature. To get started, visit the AWS Network Firewall product page and the service documentation. To see which regions AWS Network Firewall is available in, visit the AWS Region Table.