Posted On: Apr 10, 2023

Amazon Connect Voice ID now enables customers to maintain multiple fraudster watchlists for their Voice ID domains, with each watchlist supporting up to 500 fraudsters. Previously one Voice ID domain only supported one fraudster watchlist for known fraudster detection. With the availability of multiple watchlists, customers can configure which fraudster watchlist within their Voice ID domain is to be used for a specific contact in the Amazon Connect Contact Flow. Voice ID APIs allow customers to specify which watchlist a fraudster will be associated with when registering fraudsters, as well as manage individual fraudsters within watchlists.

Multiple fraudster watchlist support for Voice ID will enable Connect customers to help improve contact center security by fine-tuning the fraudster watchlists for different lines of business in their organization. Additionally, customers who have more fraudsters targeting their contact center than the default limit of 500 can now create multiple fraudster watchlists to manage them.

Multiple fraudster watchlist support is available in all regions where Amazon Connect Voice ID is offered. To learn more about Amazon Connect please visit the Amazon Connect website. To learn more about this feature works, please visit this page.