Posted On: May 26, 2023

Amazon Connect now provides contact records and real-time contact events for calls and transfers made to external third-party phone numbers. The new contact records can be used for reporting, billing reconciliation, and analytics. Contact events can be used to create analytics dashboards to monitor and track real-time contact lifecycle activity (e.g., call connected to the third-party). To learn more about these new contact records and events, and how you can stream these to your analytics applications, see our documentation for contact records and contact events.

The contact records and contact events for external third-party calls is supported in US East (N. Virginia), US West (Oregon), Africa (Cape Town), Asia Pacific (Seoul), Asia Pacific (Singapore), Asia Pacific (Sydney), Asia Pacific (Tokyo), Asia Pacific (Mumbai), Canada (Central), Europe (Frankfurt) and Europe (London). To learn more about Amazon Connect, the AWS cloud-based contact center, please visit the Amazon Connect website.