Posted On: May 9, 2023

Amazon QuickSight now supports advance use cases for scatterplots with new options like support for visualizing unaggregated data, new ‘label’ field well and performance improvements.

With the new aggregate option called ‘None’ from the field menu, users can plot unaggregated values even when using a field on Color. In cases where one value is aggregated, the other value will be automatically set as aggregated, and the same applies to unaggregated scenarios. Furthermore, users can now leverage the new ‘Label’ field well alongside the existing Color field to add more flexibility in data visualization by allowing them to color by one field and label by another. Lastly, the performance of scatterplots has been improved to load up to six times faster, which applies to both new and existing use cases. For more information, please visit the documentation page.

The new scatterplot enhancements will be available in Amazon QuickSight Standard and Enterprise Editions in all QuickSight regions - US East (Ohio and N. Virginia), US West (Oregon), Asia Pacific (Mumbai, Seoul, Singapore, Sydney and Tokyo), Canada (Central), Europe (Frankfurt, Ireland and London), South America (São Paulo) and the AWS GovCloud (US-West).