Posted On: Jun 7, 2023
Amazon QuickSight launches new API capabilities that allow you to automate and accelerate your BI asset deployment and management. With these new APIs, you can get programmatic access to export and import QuickSight assets such as dashboards, analysis, datasets including ingestion schedules, datasources, themes, and VPC configurations across accounts and environments. You can interact with a collection of assets in a lift-and-shift manner for your CI/CD workflows, enable backup and restore, and replicate assets powering automation of workflows and achievement of the desired infrastructure setup with full support for AWS CloudFormation. To learn more, read the blogpost.
Previously, you needed to have an in-depth understanding of QuickSight’s asset relationship that in-turn created friction to deploy, backup or replicate assets at scale in an automated manner. With these new APIs, you can easily package your assets and all it’s dependencies into a single bundle, enabling a seamless deployment and management experience across QuickSight environments.
The new APIs are available with the Amazon QuickSight Enterprise edition in following AWS Regions where QuickSight is available: US East (N. Virginia and Ohio), US West (Oregon), Canada, Sao Paulo, Europe (Frankfurt, Ireland and London), Asia Pacific (Mumbai, Seoul, Singapore, Sydney and Tokyo).