Posted On: Jun 23, 2023

AWS Glue now provides data preview for streaming jobs in Glue Studio that helps data engineers accelerate their Streaming ETL job development. 

Glue Streaming ETL jobs connect with streaming data sources like Amazon Kinesis and Amazon MSK to ingest, clean, transform, and load the data in-flight, and make it available for analysis in seconds. Data Engineers can use Glue Studio to build and test streaming data pipelines. Glue Studio offers Glue Data Preview - a feature of the visual ETL authoring interface that allows the user to see the output preview of their data at each step. AWS Glue Studio now allows you to preview your streaming data at each step of the visual job authoring process. AWS Glue Studio automatically samples your data, then runs each transform in your job so you can test and debug your streaming data pipeline without having to save or run the job. This feature is available in the same Regions as AWS Glue. To learn more, visit our documentation and the AWS Glue pricing page.