Posted On: Jul 25, 2023

Amazon Redshift announces the general availability of automatic mounting of AWS Glue Data Catalog, making it easier for customers to run queries in their data lakes. You no longer have to create an external schema in Amazon Redshift to use the data lake tables cataloged in AWS Glue Data Catalog. Now, you can query data lake tables directly from Amazon Redshift Query Editor v2 or your favorite SQL editors.

With this release, you can use your AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) credentials to browse the AWS Glue Data Catalog from Amazon Redshift Query Editor v2. Amazon Redshift automatically mounts the AWS Glue Data Catalog in the account as a database and allows you to query the data lake tables with three part notation. If you are using a third-party SQL editor, and your query tool does not support browsing of multiple databases, you can use the “SHOW “ commands to list your AWS Glue databases and tables in your AWS Glue databases. You can use this feature in Serverless workgroups and clusters with RA3 instance types.

Automatic mounting of AWS Glue Data Catalog is now available in all Amazon Web Services (AWS) commercial regions where both Amazon Redshift and AWS Glue are available. You can learn more about automatic mounting of AWS Glue Data catalog from the Amazon Redshift Management Guide.