Posted On: Aug 9, 2023

Amazon S3 Glacier Flexible Retrieval improves data restore time by up to 85%, at no additional cost. Faster data restores automatically apply to the Standard retrieval tier when using Amazon S3 Batch Operations. These restores begin to return objects within minutes, so you can process restored data faster. Now, whether you are transcoding media, restoring operational backups, training machine learning models, or analyzing historical data, you can easily speed up your data restores from archive.

Using S3 Batch Operations, you can restore archived data at scale by providing a manifest of objects to be retrieved, and specifying a retrieval tier. The Standard retrieval tier now begins restoring objects within minutes (previously 3–5 hours from job activation), returning objects incrementally as the restore progresses. Additionally, S3 Batch Operations improves overall restore throughput by applying new performance optimizations to your jobs so that you can restore your data faster and process restored objects sooner. Processing restored data in parallel with ongoing restores helps you accelerate data workflows and quickly respond to business needs.

Faster Standard retrievals for Amazon S3 Glacier Flexible Retrieval via Amazon S3 Batch Operations are now available in all AWS Regions, including the AWS GovCloud (US) Regions and China Regions (Beijing, operated by Sinnet; and Ningxia, operated by NWCD). 

To learn more about this performance improvement and the Amazon S3 Glacier retrieval options, see the following list of resources: