Posted On: Sep 28, 2023

Amazon Chime's new Waiting Room adds another layer of privacy to all your meetings. Starting today, anonymous users that attempt to join your meeting are sent to the Waiting Room until you or another attendee from your company admits them in. Registered and signed in attendees who are invited still receive auto-calls and join your meetings without going through the Waiting Room.

While Amazon Chime already offers options for moderated meetings and preventing anonymous attendees from joining, these features require you to take action during the scheduling process. With our Waiting Room, anonymous users must now wait to be admitted into any meeting. The host and any signed-in attendee that is a part of your organization can manage access for these anonymous attendees using the one-click admit or deny options presented on the attendees panel. If you prefer a big event, you or your delegates can choose to turn off the Waiting Room after the meeting starts.

There is no special configuration needed. Amazon Chime Waiting Rooms are now securing all scheduled or recurring meetings, moderated meetings, and all future meetings and calls. The Amazon Chime Waiting Room is available for all Amazon Chime meetings including those you host during your 30-day free trial. To get started with Amazon Chime visit here.