Posted On: Nov 10, 2023
Today, AWS Glue Studio announces a faster and embedded interactive data preview experience. With this launch you will be able to attach data preview with each source and transform node of your AWS Glue Studio Visual ETL authoring interface. The new interactive data preview experience starts a new Glue Data Preview session as you open your visual interface and enables you to preview multiple data sets with a single session.
The new preview experience allows you to automatically infer the data schema for any source, make changes to it and visualize the end result. Previewing sample data while authoring also allows you to immediately view the expected changes after applying Glue transforms, verify the accuracy and adjust your Glue visual job without having to run the job for the entire dataset. The new Data Preview sessions will be billed per second with a 1-minute minimum.
This new feature is now available in all AWS commercial regions and the AWS GovCloud (US-West) Region where AWS Glue interactive sessions is available. Access the AWS Regional Services List for the most up-to-date availability information.
To learn more, visit the AWS Glue documentation and Glue pricing console page.