Posted On: Nov 26, 2023

Today we are announcing Cost Optimization Hub, a new AWS Billing and Cost Management feature that helps you consolidate and prioritize cost optimization recommendations across your AWS Organizations member accounts and AWS Regions, so that you can get the most out of your AWS spend.

Cost Optimization Hub allows you to easily identify, filter, and aggregate over 15 types of AWS cost optimization recommendations, such as EC2 instance rightsizing recommendations, Graviton migration recommendations, idle resource recommendations, and Savings Plans recommendations, across your AWS accounts and AWS Regions through a single dashboard. Cost Optimization Hub helps you quantify estimated savings of these recommendations, taking your specific discounts with AWS, such as Reserved Instances and Savings Plans, into consideration, so you can easily compare and prioritize recommendations. Cost Optimization Hub also allows you to aggregate savings among different types of recommendations, and deduplicates savings from overlapping recommendations (such as rightsizing recommendation and idle resource recommendation for the same EC2 instance), so you can understand the total savings you can achieve. After you enable Cost Optimization Hub, you can also see estimated monthly savings in AWS Compute Optimizer consistent with the savings estimates in Cost Optimization Hub.

Cost Optimization Hub is available at no additional charge in all AWS Regions, except for the AWS China Regions and AWS GovCloud (US) Regions.

You can start using Cost Optimization Hub through the AWS Management Console, AWS CLI, or AWS SDK. Visit product details page and user guides to learn more.