Posted On: Dec 1, 2023

AWS AppConfig, a feature of AWS Systems Manager, announces four new features available in the latest release of the AWS AppConfig Agent. The Agent now supports writing feature flags and configuration data to a file on local disk in a location that the customer specifies. Secondly, to improve resiliency, the Agent can be configured to write its own local backup of the latest version of configuration data, and use that backup if there is a network issue or outage that prevents the Agent from reaching the AWS AppConfig service. Also, the Agent now allows engineers to test configuration changes in their local environments. Finally, this version of the Agent allows a customer to map different AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) permissions for different Configuration Profiles, which enables fine-grained security for configuration data.

The AWS AppConfig Agent is a sidecar process that employs AWS AppConfig best practices, such as local configuration polling and caching. The Agent can accelerate time to onboard, simplifies usage, and can improve performance and resiliency of your application. It can be used in major AWS Compute services, including AWS Lambda as the AWS AppConfig Lambda Extension, Amazon Elastic Container Service (Amazon ECS), Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS), Amazon EC2, and can be used for on-premises servers running Linux kernel version 4.15 or higher.

The AWS AppConfig Agent can be used in all commercial and the AWS GovCloud (US) Regions. To get started, use the AWS AppConfig Getting Started Guide or our AWS AppConfig Agent documentation.