Posted On: Jan 16, 2024

AWS Transfer Family now uses static IP addresses when sending messages to remote AS2 servers and when returning asynchronous message disposition notification (MDN) responses. This adds to AWS Transfer Family’s existing support for static IPs when receiving AS2 messages with internet-facing, VPC-hosted AS2 endpoints.

With support for static IP addresses, customers can now reliably connect with remote AS2 servers that are secured by IP allow listing controls and exchange messages with partners who only accept inbound connections from known IP addresses. You can identify the static IP addresses associated with your AS2 resources by navigating to the connector or server details pages in the AWS Transfer Family Console, or by using the DescribeConnector or DescribeServer API/CLI/CDK commands. There are no additional resources to manage and no additional costs associated with using static IP addresses when sending AS2 messages or asynchronous MDN responses.

Static IP addresses are enabled by default and available in all AWS Regions where AWS Transfer Family is available. To get started with AS2 on AWS Transfer Family, visit the self-paced workshop.