Posted On: Feb 15, 2024

Amazon AppStream 2.0 announces support for custom session scripts and audio out on multi-session fleets. Multi-session fleets enable IT admins to host multiple end-user sessions on a single AppStream 2.0 instance, helping to make better use of instance resources.

AppStream 2.0 administrators can now execute their own custom actions when specified events occur in users' streaming sessions by using custom session scripts on multi-session fleets. These custom actions can include ones that run before or after a user's session finishes. You can quickly set up streaming environments and applications before the session starts, as well as handle things like gathering logs for the program, keeping an eye on session information while the session is going on, and cleaning up the application at the end of the session. Amazon AppStream 2.0 also adds support for audio out on multi-session fleets in addition to session scripts. End users can now listen to audio content via fleet instances with multiple sessions. They can now watch and listen to video content, including online courses and instructional videos.

These features are available at no additional charge in all AWS Regions where AppStream 2.0 is offered. AppStream 2.0 offers pay-as-you-go pricing. Please see Amazon AppStream 2.0 Pricing for more information.

To get started building your own session scripts for multi-session fleets, see Use Session Scripts to Manage Your AppStream 2.0 Users' Streaming Experience Session.