Neptune Analytics Adds Support for Customer Managed PrivateLink endpoints

Posted on: Nov 27, 2024

Today, we’re introducing a new feature for Neptune Analytics that allows customers to easily provision Amazon VPC interface endpoints (interface endpoints) in their Virtual Private Cloud (Amazon VPC). These endpoints provide direct access from on-premises applications over VPN or AWS Direct Connect, and across AWS Regions via VPC peering. With this feature, network engineers can create and manage VPC resources centrally. By leveraging AWS PrivateLink and interface endpoints, development teams can now establish private, secure network connectivity from their applications to Neptune Analytics with simplified configuration.

Previously, development teams had to manually configure complex network settings, leading to operational overhead and potential misconfigurations that could affect security and connectivity. With AWS PrivateLink support for Neptune Analytics, customers can now streamline private connectivity between VPCs, Neptune Analytics, and on-premises data centers using interface endpoints and private IP addresses. This approach simplifies this process by allowing central teams to create and manage PrivateLink endpoints and development teams to utilize those PrivateLink endpoints for their graphs without needing to manage them directly. This launch allows developers to concentrate on graph load, thereby reducing time-to-value and simplifying overall management.

Please see AWS PrivateLink pricing for the cost details. You can get started with the feature by using AWS API, AWS CLI, or AWS SDK.