AWS Billing Conductor Pricing

With AWS Billing Conductor (ABC), you only pay for the accounts placed within a billing group. AWS Billing conductor uses a tiered, account-based pricing model for all accounts assigned to an ABC billing group. The number of running resources in your account does not affect your ABC charges.


Billable Dimension

You pay for the accounts that you place within a billing group. Any accounts added mid-month will be prorated. The number of running resources in a given account (and their interactions with your other running resources) will not impact your AWS Billing Conductor charges.

Free Trial Summary

You can use AWS Billing Conductor free of charge for the first 62 days. Afterwards, your first 500 accounts you assign to an ABC billing group are billed monthly at $8.25 per account, the next 1,500 accounts at $6.75, and all accounts beyond 2,000 at $5.25.

Pricing Example

Consider a multi-tenant management account managed by an enterprise customer which has exhausted it’s free trial of AWS Billing Conductor. The enterprise customer has an external client they want to bill at public rates, irrespective of the reserved instance or savings plans they’ve purchased. As such, the enterprise customer places the three external client accounts into a billing group, recomputing $140,700.12 worth of AWS charges.

The cost would be $24.75; 0.018% of recomputed spend: (3 accounts * $8.25 per account = $24.75).

Consider a multi-tenant management account managed by an AWS solution provider which has exhausted it’s free trial of AWS Billing Conductor. The solution provider places all 1,400 member accounts into their own billing group, as each end customer wants a view at the rates they’ve negotiated with the solution provider (e.g., 2% discount from the AWS on demand price for all services). The total amount of AWS charges recomputed is $2,346,053.

The cost would be $10,200, or 0.435% of recomputed spend: (500 accounts * $8.25 per account [$4,125] + 900 accounts * $6.75 per account [$6,075] = $10,200)