AWS Pricing Calculator

Calculate your AWS CodePipeline and architecture cost in a single estimate. 

Note: You can only use the calculator for V1 pipelines. 

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Pipeline types

CodePipeline provides two pipeline types: V1 and V2. Pipeline types differ in features and price. Pipelines are automatically designated as V1 pipelines if the pipeline type is not specified. For a pipeline to be V2 pipeline, you must explicitly configure the pipeline type to V2.

V1-type pipeline definition contains the standard pipeline, stage, and action-level parameters. V2-type pipeline extends the definition to add additional configurations sections, such as triggers and variables. For more information about which type of pipeline is right for you, see CodePipeline User Guide.

With CodePipeline, there are no upfront fees or commitments.

  • For V1-type pipelines: You pay $1.00 per active pipeline (a pipeline that has existed for more than 30 days and has at least one code change that runs through it during the month) per month. There is no charge for pipelines that have no new code changes running through them during the month. An active pipeline is not prorated for partial months. Pipelines are free for the first 30 days after creation.
  • For V2-type pipelines: You pay $0.002 per action execution minute. Action execution duration is calculated in minutes, from the time an action in your pipeline starts executing until that action reaches a completion state, rounded up to the nearest minute. You are charged for all action types except for manual approval and custom action types. 

AWS Free Tier

As part of the AWS Free Tier, CodePipeline offers new and existing customers:

  • For V1-type pipelines: One free active pipeline per month for V1-type pipelines.
  • For V2-type pipelines: 100 free action execution minutes per month. The free action execution minutes are shared between all V2 pipelines in the account, regardless of the number of V2 pipelines in the account. They are automatically reset at the beginning of each calendar month. Unused minutes do not carry over to the next month.

Additional charges

You may incur additional charges for storing and accessing your pipeline artifacts in Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) and for triggering actions from other AWS and third-party services that you connect to your pipeline.

Pricing examples