There is no charge for using FreeRTOS. FreeRTOS is released under the MIT open source license, a permissive license with limited restrictions on reuse. To learn more about the MIT open source license, click here. To learn more about the FreeRTOS community, click here.

You may incur additional charges with FreeRTOS if your applications utilize other AWS services or transfer data. For example, if a device running FreeRTOS connects to AWS IoT Core, you will be billed for the use of the AWS IoT Core service.

For details on AWS service pricing, see the pricing sections of the relevant AWS service detail pages. Links to pricing for some of the commonly used services are listed under Additional Charges below.

FreeRTOS EMP pricing

FreeRTOS Extended Maintenance Plan (EMP) allows embedded developers to receive critical bug fixes and security patches on their chosen FreeRTOS Long Term Support (LTS) version beyond the expiry of the initial LTS period.

FreeRTOS EMP has a flexible annual subscription plan. You can continue to renew your subscriptions annually for a duration (up to 10 years) that aligns with your device lifecycle or application requirements. With FreeRTOS EMP, you are charged (during subscription or renewal) an annual subscription fee per FreeRTOS LTS version.

FreeRTOS EMP pricing is determined based on whether you manufacture, offer, produce or sell one or more end-products that incorporate a chosen FreeRTOS LTS version. An end-product is the result of a manufacturing process and is in the market under a specific name or order code. Two products are deemed separate “end-products” if they have significant hardware and/or functional differences, have different product names, or have different types, models or variants.

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Number of products Annual subscription per LTS version
Single product using EMP libraries $40,0001
Multiple products using EMP libraries $90,0002

1 Includes up to four AWS Support escalations to FreeRTOS engineering team per year

2 Includes up to six AWS Support escalations to FreeRTOS engineering team per year

An escalation takes place when AWS Support transfers a technical support case to the FreeRTOS engineering team for a resolution. FreeRTOS EMP customers need to be AWS Support subscribers to be eligible for these escalations.

You may not use any critical bug fixes and security patches that you receive, obtain or access in connection with FreeRTOS EMP for more than one end-product unless you have purchased a multiple end-product subscription.

Payments for FreeRTOS EMP are not refundable, including in cases in which you no longer use FreeRTOS EMP prior to the end of an annual subscription period.

You will also incur a one-time fee if you meet one of the following cases:

  1. If you subscribe to EMP after the corresponding LTS coverage period ends. For example, the LTS coverage period for FreeRTOS 202012.00 LTS ends on March 2023; however, you subscribe to EMP for FreeRTOS 202012.00 LTS three months later, on June 2023.
  2. If you renew your subscription after the subscription has expired. For example, your annual subscription ends on March 2024; however, you renew EMP three months later, on June 2024.

If you incur a one-time fee, the charge depends upon when you subscribe/renew. If you subscribe or renew within the first five years after the LTS period ends, the one-time fee will be 50% of the annual subscription price. If you subscribe or renew between five years and 10 years after the LTS period ends, the one-time fee will be 100% of the annual subscription price.

Pricing examples

Additional charges

AWS IoT Core (if a FreeRTOS device is connected to the AWS IoT Core)

AWS IoT Device Management (if a FreeRTOS device receives OTA updates)

AWS IoT Greengrass (if a FreeRTOS device is connected to AWS IoT Greengrass Core)

Data transfer (if a FreeRTOS device initiates external data transfers to AWS, you will be charged at the EC2 data transfer rate)

Amazon S3 (if a FreeRTOS device uses S3 for storage, requests, and data transfer)

Amazon DynamoDB (if a FreeRTOS device uses DynamoDB for data storage, throughput capacity, and data transfer)