Posted On: Feb 26, 2019

We are excited to announce new enhancements to the APN Customer Engagements (ACE) program.

The ACE Program encompasses both engagements that originate from APN Partners via submission through the APN Customer Engagements platform in APN Partner Central and leads and opportunity referrals resulting from AWS activities. This program provides the resources, tools, and sales and technical support to ensure that APN Partners are supported in driving successful engagements with AWS customers. We launched two new features in to the ACE Program: an Improved User Experience and ACE Opportunity Referrals. 

ACE Opportunity Referrals: Eligible APN Partners now have visibility into opportunities sourced by AWS and a mechanism to manage and track those engagements throughout the opportunity life cycle through ACE Opportunity Referrals.

Improved User Experience: The old “Opportunities” tab is now labeled “My Customers”. This new interface allows for custom options on features that were originally non-editable (e.g., display columns on dashboard) as well as new enhancements that can be utilized to align with the AWS Sales team and to manage your pipeline of customer engagements on AWS.

New ACE User Guide: Learn how you can leverage the ACE Platform to manage your pipeline of AWS customers, including allowing for joint collaboration with AWS on such customer engagements. This ACE Platform User Guide walks you through how to use the ACE platform and helps equip you with the skills necessary to drive successful customer engagements on AWS. Download the guide >>

Learn more about these new features on the APN Blog