Customer Stories / Travel

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Berliner Verkehrsbetriebe (BVG) Creates a One-Stop Mobility Shop on AWS

Berliner Verkehrsbetriebe (BVG) is Germany’s biggest public transport company and moves over one billion passengers each year across trains, buses, and ferry services. BVG is focused on sustainable and innovative transportation solutions and launched the BVG mobilty app called Jelbi in 2019 to act as a one-stop mobility shop for passengers.

Built on Amazon Web Services (AWS), BVG’s app helps passengers plan trips as well as search, book, and pay for fares across different city transportation options such as public transport, e-scooters, bikes, mopeds, taxis, and car sharing services. Jelbi makes mobility more accessible and easier to use for customers across Berlin and simplifies the experience for customers by making booking and paying possible all in one place. Running Jelbi on AWS meant that BVG had a faster go-to-market (GTM) strategy and a scalable solution to grow the mobility-as-a-service platform to meet demand.

BVG app

Over 1 billion

passengers per year

Booking and paying

in one place


mobility shop


Our AWS-built solution creates a ‘deep integration’ of mobility offers in one app, so that passengers can not only search but also book and pay within one app. With Jelbi, passengers only need to register once to use every mobility mode in Berlin—no more app jumping on their smartphone.”

Michel Jakob Heider
Head of Jelbi

When a business comes across a challenge or a company sees a new opportunity; the first thing they will ask is, “how do we get this done?” The answer is simple: AWS.