Pick n Pay Embraces Fresh Thinking on AWS


Pick n Pay was founded in South Africa in 1967. Today, it has more than 1,600 stores across southern Africa and employs 40,000 people. In this video, Andrew Mayes, business intelligence specialist at Pick n Pay, explains how rehosting the company’s SAP-based business intelligence platform on Amazon Web Services (AWS) helps it stay relevant and accessible in the digital marketplace. The firm moved from an on-premises infrastructure to one based on Amazon EC2 X1 Instances, which are designed for running large-scale and in-memory applications like SAP BW/4HANA. Using AWS, Pick n Pay has boosted its agility. It can now replicate its production environment in 2 hours for testing and quickly increase the capacity or performance of instances as needed. Costs have dropped, too, largely because Pick n Pay no longer needs to run a second physical environment for disaster recovery.

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