Unified Profiles for Travelers and Guests on AWS

Connect traveler and guest data to unlock insights and drive personalization


Unified Profiles for Travelers and Guests on AWS helps you automatically source, merge, remove redundant data, and centralize traveler and guest information from across your enterprise. It offers a single data source for marketing, sales, operations, and customer experience leaders, providing the data they need to create a central view of the customer. A seamless and personalized customer experience helps deepen the connection between the customer and your brand, and with a few clicks, customer information is aggregated from multiple internal systems of record, producing a unified customer profile in both batch and near real-time. Now, you can achieve a faster and a deeper understanding of your travelers and guests to deliver a tailored, more personalized customer experience.


Easily connect travel and hospitality industry systems

Integrates with your property management systems and customer data platforms. Also, a detailed process plan is provided for all common travel and hospitality data sources, such as bookings, loyalty profiles, hotel stays, and customer service interactions, minimizing the data transformation work to integrate this solution.

Resolve traveler identity and reduce duplicated data

Use a constellation of rule-based and artificial intelligence (AI)-based Identity Resolution capabilities. This solution's modular architecture also allows for custom-matching logic and can be integrated with AWS Partners.

Secure storage and permission management

Sensitive traveler data is stored in an AWS specialized customer data store and located in your AWS account. This helps you deploy a permissions system with strict access controls to traveler data.

Capture traveler changes in near real-time

Provides near real-time updates so that your customers can react to all changes within their traveler profiles, such as booking cancellations or hotel checkouts. Leverage a complete view of your travelers and guests for timely and personalized communications.  

Technical details

You can automatically deploy this architecture using the implementation guide and the associated AWS CloudFormation template.

Use cases for this AWS Solution
Showing results: 1-3
Total results: 4
  • Headline
About this deployment
Showing results: 1
Total results: 1
  • Publish Date
    • Version: 2.1.1
    • Released: 2/2025
    • Author: AWS
    • Est. deployment time: 15 mins
    • Estimated cost: See details
Deployment options
Ready to get started?
Deploy this solution by launching it in your AWS Console
Solution Visuals

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