Posted On: Jan 27, 2014

AWS CloudFormation now supports Auto Scaling scheduled actions and DynamoDB local and global secondary indexes. AWS CloudFormation is a service that simplifies provisioning and management of a wide range of AWS resources.

You can model your Auto Scaling architecture in a CloudFormation template. The CloudFormation service can automatically create the desired architecture from the template in a fast and consistent manner. With support for scheduled actions, you can now model Auto Scaling schedules in CloudFormation templates. If you have a predictable traffic pattern, you can scale Auto Scaling groups using scheduled actions. We have created a sample template to show you how.

CloudFormation already provided the ability to provision DynamoDB tables. Now, you can also provision DynamoDB tables with local and global secondary indexes using CloudFormation. DynamoDB local and global secondary indexes enable more flexible queries based on a wider range of attributes other than the primary keys. We’ve created a sample template that creates DynamoDB tables with local and global secondary indexes.

To learn more about CloudFormation, please visit the detail page, documentation or watch this introductory video. We have a large collection of sample templates that makes it easy to get started with CloudFormation in minutes.