Posted On: Nov 23, 2016
Starting today you can launch t2.medium instances when using Amazon Aurora in addition to the R3 class instances previously available. Using t2.medium instances of Amazon Aurora will be a cost effective option for your smaller workloads like dev/test, still giving you the option to use larger R3 class instances for production deployment.
The Amazon Aurora t2.medium instances are available in all AWS regions where Amazon Aurora is available. For more information on pricing, visit the Amazon Aurora pricing page. Read more about Amazon Aurora t2.medium instance class in the AWS Blog.
Amazon Aurora is a fully managed relational database engine that combines the speed and availability of high-end commercial databases with the simplicity and cost-effectiveness of open source databases. Aurora provides up to five times better performance than MySQL with the security, availability, and reliability of a commercial database at one tenth the cost. To learn more about Amazon Aurora please visit our product page.