Posted On: Aug 25, 2017
You will now see improvements to the way you sign in to your AWS account. You can sign in as your account’s root user or an AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) user from the AWS Management Console’s homepage. You no longer have to use an account-specific URL to sign in as an IAM user. However, the account-specific URL you have used in the past to sign in will continue to work.
In the first step of the new sign-in experience, root users enter their email address; IAM users enter their account ID (or account alias). In the second step, root users enter their password; IAM users enter their user name and password. If you enabled multi-factor authentication (MFA) for your account, you will then be prompted to enter the code from your MFA device. After successful authentication, you will be signed in to the AWS Management Console, and the homepage will be displayed.
For more information about the changes to how you sign in to your AWS account as a root user or IAM user, see Improvements to How You Sign In to Your AWS Account on the AWS Security Blog.