Posted On: Oct 3, 2017

Amazon Glacier is now generally available in the Asia Pacific (Singapore) region. 

Customers can now use Amazon Glacier in Asia Pacific (Singapore) to reliably and durably store large or small amounts of data for US$0.005 per gigabyte per month, with no up-front expenses or long-term commitments. Amazon S3 customers whose data resides in Asia Pacific (Singapore) can use Amazon S3 Lifecycle Management to configure rules that automatically archive infrequently accessed objects to Amazon Glacier at the same low rates.

Amazon Glacier is now available in fifteen regions worldwide, which serve customers from over 190 countries. You can learn more about our growing global infrastructure footprint at our global infrastructure page.

We continue to expand our services globally, based in large part on customer input, so please continue to send us your feedback. To get started or learn more, visit