Posted On: Jan 25, 2018

Amazon Connect is now available in the US West (Oregon) AWS Region, increasing the number of AWS Regions where Amazon Connect is available to four. The expansion into a new AWS Region provides you more options to provision your Amazon Connect cloud contact center with the other AWS services you use. 

Amazon Connect is an easy-to-use, self-service, cloud contact center service you can use to deliver more engaging customer service experiences. The self-service graphical interface makes it easy to design contact flows, manage agent utilization, and track performance metrics. You can create an Amazon Connect cloud contact center with just a few clicks in the Amazon Connect console, allowing your agents to be up and ready to take calls within minutes.

For a list of regions where Amazon Connect is available, see the AWS Region table. First time Amazon Connect customers can try the service by using the AWS Free Tier. Visit the Amazon Connect website to learn more about Amazon Connect.