Amazon Elasticsearch Service now Supports Instant Access Policy Updates

Posted on: Mar 7, 2018

Amazon Elasticsearch Service now updates your access policies within seconds. Access policies are used to control the IAM users or roles, and IP addresses that are authorized to access your Amazon Elasticsearch Service domains. 

Instant access policy updates are available on all supported Elasticsearch versions (1.5, 2.3, 5.1, 5.3, 5.5 and 6.0) and in all supported regions. Amazon Elasticsearch Service is available in 17 regions globally: US East (N. Virginia, Ohio), US West (Oregon, N. California), AWS GovCloud (US), Canada (Central), South America (Sao Paulo), EU (Ireland, London, Frankfurt, Paris), Asia Pacific (Singapore, Sydney, Tokyo, Seoul, Mumbai), and China (Ningxia) operated by NWCD. 

For more information about Amazon Elasticsearch Service and its uses, see the Amazon Elasticsearch Service Developer Guide and our Getting Started page.