Posted On: May 25, 2018

Starting today, you can control data movement to and from your users' Amazon AppStream 2.0 streaming sessions. You can choose whether to allow users to transfer data between their streaming applications and their local device through copy or paste, file upload or download, or print actions. For example, you can let your users access AppStream 2.0 from their personal devices at home while ensuring data is not downloaded from your users' streaming sessions to their computer.

To get started, open the AppStream 2.0 console and create a stack. In the User Settings step, enable, limit, or disable any of the Clipboard, File transfer, or Print to local device options. You can also programmatically manage these settings using AppStream 2.0 APIs. To learn more, visit Create Fleets and Stacks.

This feature is available for no additional charge in all AWS Regions where AppStream 2.0 is offered. AppStream 2.0 offers pay-as-you-go pricing. Please see Amazon AppStream 2.0 Pricing for more information, and try our sample applications.