Posted On: Jul 2, 2018

Amazon Connect now allows you to dynamically set your caller ID phone number for outbound calls so recipients of the calls may recognize the number and use the number you specify to return calls. This is useful when you have multiple telephone numbers used to make outbound calls, but want to consistently display the same phone number as the caller ID for calls made from your contact center. You can also display a phone number for a specific line of business or for customers based on their account type.

To get started, navigate to the contact flow page, and create an outbound whisper contact flow. Then use the Call phone number block to specify a custom caller ID number that is displayed to the call recipient. You can use an Invoke AWS Lambda function block to lookup customer data, such as the city they live or the area code for their phone number, and use an attribute to dynamically set the caller ID number based on that customer data. Then, in the Call phone number block, use the attribute set by the function to set the caller ID number. For example, your contact center located in Australia can display the caller ID number based on the customer location you are calling. For more details, see Using a Call Phone Number Block.

Dynamic outbound caller ID is available in all AWS regions where Amazon Connect is offered. There is no additional charge aside from standard pricing for service usage and associated telephony rates. Please see Amazon Connect Pricing for more information. To learn more about Amazon Connect, a self-service, cloud contact center, please visit the Amazon Connect website.