Posted On: Jul 31, 2018

The AWS IoT Rules Engine can now trigger workflows built with AWS Step Functions using Step Functions action. With the addition of Step Functions action, the Rules Engine now supports 15 action types.

You can now build workflows visually with AWS Step Functions and trigger them directly from AWS IoT without writing separate AWS Lambda functions for workflow control.

For example, you can create a rule to monitor an elevator's motor reliability using the machinelearning_predict function against an Amazon Machine Learning model. Once an anomaly is detected, the Step Functions action triggers the workflow to book a job in the ERP platform for repair.

The Rules Engine is a component of AWS IoT Core. The Rules Engine evaluates inbound messages published into AWS IoT Core and transforms and delivers them to another device or a cloud service, based on business rules you define. A rule can apply to data from one or many devices, can take one or many actions in parallel, and route messages to AWS endpoints including AWS Lambda, Amazon Kinesis, Amazon S3, Amazon Machine Learning, Amazon DynamoDB, Amazon CloudWatch, Amazon Simple Notification Service (SNS), Amazon Simple Queue Service (SQS), AWS IoT Analytics, Amazon Elasticsearch Service with built-in Kibana integration, and AWS Step Functions.  

For more details, refer to the Rules Engine Documentation.