Posted On: Apr 30, 2020

The Amazon EventBridge schema registry is now generally available for all customers. The EventBridge schema registry stores event structure - or schema - in a shared central location and maps those schemas to code for Java, Python, and Typescript so it’s easy to use events as objects in your code. Schemas from your event bus are automatically added to the registry when you turn on the schema discovery feature. You can connect to and interact with the schema registry from the AWS console, APIs, or through the SDK Toolkits for Jetbrains (Intellij, PyCharm, Webstorm, Rider) and VS Code. 

With this launch, we are also introducing support for schema registry resource policies, making it easy for you to share a schema registry across accounts and organizations. Any developer in your organization can now easily search for and access events in a shared registry, and add their own schemas for anyone else in the organization to use. This is especially useful for large organizations that find it difficult to keep track of all of the events that they are generating across their applications, and reduces the time it takes for a developer to find an event schema and use it as an object in their code. 

The EventBridge schema registry is available at no additional cost. The schema discovery feature has a free tier of 5 million ingested events per month, and a fee of $0.10 per million ingested events outside of the free tier. All ingested events are measured in 8KB chunks. For more info on pricing, please see the EventBridge pricing page.  

The EventBridge schema registry is available in the following regions: US East (Ohio and N. Virginia), US West (Oregon and N. California), Canada (Central), EU (Stockholm, Paris, Ireland, Frankfurt, and London), Asia Pacific (Mumbai, Tokyo, Seoul, Singapore, Hong Kong, and Sydney), and South America (Sao Paulo). 

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