Posted On: Apr 8, 2020

In the past, when submitting an encoding job to an AWS Elemental MediaConvert reserved queue, the job would stay in that queue until it could be processed. If the queue was busy, the job would wait to start until previous jobs completed. This presents a challenge for videos requiring strict turnaround times. To solve this, MediaConvert now has the ability to submit jobs using a feature called queue hopping. You specify the queue a job should start in and how long it should wait before hopping to a different queue. With queue hopping, you can avoid long wait times for transcoding jobs that are time-sensitive while also effectively utilizing your reserved transcoding slots. For example, a job can be submitted to a reserved queue with a wait time of 15 minutes; if the job has not started after that time, it can hop to an on-demand queue to start encoding. For more information about queue hopping, please read the documentation.

With MediaConvert, audio and video providers can easily and reliably transcode on-demand content for broadcast and multiscreen delivery. MediaConvert functions independently or as part of AWS Media Services, a family of services that form the foundation of cloud-based workflows and offer the capabilities needed to transport, transcode, package, and deliver audio and video.

Visit the AWS region table for a full list of AWS Regions where MediaConvert is available. To learn more about MediaConvert, please visit our product page.