Posted On: Aug 12, 2020

Amazon FSx for Lustre, a service that provides high-performance shared storage, today announced new Hard Disk Drive (HDD) storage options that make it even more cost effective to power any compute workload with a fast, shared file system. When creating shared file systems for compute workloads, you can now choose between existing SSD storage options and two new HDD storage options, each offering different levels of performance. The HDD options reduce storage costs by up to 80% for throughput-intensive workloads that don’t require the sub-millisecond latencies of SSD storage, including genome analysis, financial simulations, and seismic data processing.

Starting at a price of 2.5 cents per GB-month (in the US-East, N. Virginia Region), you can easily launch and use HDD-based shared storage powered by Lustre, the world’s most popular high-performance file system. Optimized to ensure your shared storage keeps up with your compute, FSx for Lustre’s HDD-based file systems are designed to provide up to tens of gigabytes per second of throughput. You can also optionally provision an SSD cache on HDD-based file systems to provide sub-millisecond latencies and higher IOPS for frequently accessed data. The new HDD-based file systems offer the same feature set as FSx for Lustre SSD-based file systems, including automatic daily backups and the ability to link file systems to Amazon S3 buckets for processing data sets residing in S3.

HDD file systems are available today in all regions where Amazon FSx is available. Learn more about Amazon FSx for Lustre in our AWS News blog, and for more information about the performance of the new storage options see the Amazon FSx for Lustre documentation.