Posted On: Apr 29, 2021

AWS Snow Family now enables you to order, track, and manage long-term pricing Snowball Edge jobs directly from the console or via APIs. Many Snowball Edge customers deploy Snowball Edge devices for one or more years. By paying the device fees upfront, Snowball Edge’s long-term pricing options enable you to use Snowball Edge devices for 1 year or 3 years at up to a 62% discount compared to on-demand per-day fees. This pricing is available for all Snowball Edge device types in all regions where Snowball Edge is available.

Previously, customers would have to reach out to their AWS sales team in order to request a Snow job with long-term pricing. This took time to process and you were not able to view or manage your long term pricing in the Snow console. Now, you can order Snowball Edge jobs with discounted long-term pricing straight from the console or via API. You can also view, track, and manage your jobs with long-term pricing in the console.

To get started, go to the Snow Family console and create a job. During the job creation process, you will be able to specify the pricing option that you want. Jobs that are created with a long-term pricing option will show up in a new tab in the Snow Family console that lists all of your jobs with long-term pricing. In that tab, you can view details about your long-term pricing jobs, such as when the prepaid period starts and ends. You can configure your long-term pricing commitment to automatically renew so that a new prepaid period begins when your previous one ends without you having to manually create a new one. If you do not want the long-term pricing commitment to renew, but want to continue using your Snowball Edge device, the pricing for that job will automatically revert to on-demand per-day pricing as described on the Snowball Edge pricing page.

Long-term pricing is available in all regions where AWS Snowball Edge is available. For more information about long-term pricing, see the Snowball Edge pricing page and FAQ. To get started by ordering a Snow job, visit the Snow Family console.