Posted On: Dec 20, 2021

AWS Well-Architected now supports four new AWS Trusted Advisor checks as a unified home of best practice recommendations to identify the most impactful risks and take action to mitigate them. The new checks are:

1. AWS Well-Architected high risk issues for cost optimization
2. AWS Well-Architected high risk issues for performance efficiency
3. AWS Well-Architected high risk issues for security
4. AWS Well-Architected high risk issues for reliability

Customers use Well-Architected to review their workloads against AWS best practices. As an output of the review, Well-Architected provides customers with a list of high and medium risk issues based on best practices defined by the Well-Architected framework for each pillar. The Trusted Advisor checks sourced from Well-Architected will contain an aggregated count of the number of HRIs (High Risk Issues) discovered per pillar per workload based on the self-assessment that customers performed during the Well-Architected review. AWS customers will access the Trusted Advisor checks sourced from Well-Architected to identify and prioritize workloads with high HRI count, select the workloads that are critical to them, and dig deeper into specific HRIs. The checks will include timestamps for review start date, recent review date, and the workload type to distinguish production and non-production workloads.

The new checks are available to view in the AWS Trusted Advisor Console and accessible via the AWS Support API. Customers can set up alerts based on the results of Trusted Advisor checks. To learn more about setting up alarms using Amazon CloudWatch, see Creating Trusted Advisor alarms using CloudWatch. For a full set of Trusted Advisor Best Practice Checks, see AWS Trusted Advisor best practice checklist. Go here for AWS Well-Architected Framework.