Posted On: Feb 17, 2022

Amazon Redshift data sharing allows you to share live, transactionally consistent data across different Redshift clusters without the complexity and delays associated with data copies and data movement. Ability to share data across clusters that are in the same AWS account and across accounts is already available. Now sharing data across Redshift clusters in different AWS Regions is generally available. Cross-Region data sharing is supported on all Amazon Redshift RA3 node types.

With data sharing, you can more securely share data at many levels including schemas, tables, views, and user defined functions, and use fine-grained controls to specify access for each data consumer. With cross-Region data sharing, you can now share live data across clusters that are in the same or different accounts and in different AWS regions. No manual data copies or data replication is required. Users with access to shared data can continue to discover and query the data with high performance using standard SQL and analytics tools. Queries accessing shared data use the compute resources of the consumer Redshift cluster and do not impact the performance of the producer cluster. With cross-Region data sharing, data transfer fees are applicable to access the data needed to serve data sharing queries across regions.

Cross-region data sharing is available for all Amazon Redshift RA3 node types in regions where RA3 is available. Learn more about data sharing capability in the feature page and refer to the documentation on how to get started. Cross-region data sharing transfer pricing is available on the pricing page