Posted On: Sep 14, 2022

Amazon Connect Customer Profiles is now available as a destination in the Amazon AppFlow console. With a few clicks, customers can now bring data from 20+ application connectors into Customer Profiles and equip contact center agents with the information needed to provide personalized customer service. Amazon AppFlow connectors allows ingestion of data such as transactions (e.g., purchase orders from SAP OData), profile information (e.g., leads from Zendesk Sell) and customer interactions (e.g., Slack conversations) to create a single, unified profile for each of your customers.

You can prepare customer data for your specific contact center use cases by leveraging Amazon AppFlow’s no-code console experience. For instance, hiding sensitive credit card information by using the masking feature or ingesting the data for a specific geography using the filter feature that transfers only the records that meet the filter criteria.

Amazon Connect Customer Profiles is available in US East (N. Virginia), US West (Oregon), Africa (Cape Town), Asia Pacific (Singapore), Asia Pacific (Sydney), Asia Pacific (Tokyo), Asia Pacific (Seoul), Canada (Central), Europe (Frankfurt) and Europe (London) Regions.

To learn more about how you can setup AppFlow to bring in data from multiple sources, read our latest blog post here. For information about pricing see Amazon Connect Customer Profiles Pricing Page and Amazon AppFlow Pricing Page.