Posted On: Sep 30, 2022

AWS Service Catalog makes improvements on usability for customers who are provisioning AWS resources via the AWS Service Catalog console. These changes will help enable better error handling and reduce friction in the provisioning workflow.

With the improvements on error handling, customers will be able to debug provision errors and take actions on them more easily. Instead of seeing errors in raw JSON format, you can now see them in a more readable tabular format. This allows you to look for the most relevant errors and root cause issues more quickly. From there, you can either copy the error messages to clipboard or directly address them in CloudFormation. This reduces the effort to work across AWS consoles to one single click. The new ability to force terminate provisioned products that are in a tainted state also allows you to delete the provisioned products and disconnect it from the underlying CloudFormation stacks. Previously this was only possible through API.

With the improvements on the provisioning workflow, you can now save time and clicks when provisioning new products. Using the new autofill suggestion saves the effort to either memorize the parameters previously used to provision the same product, or going back and forth to look for the right parameters. Seeing constraint description inline with the input field will also help you provision products more quickly with less friction.

To learn more, visit the AWS Service Catalog homepage or see the AWS Service Catalog Documentation. These new improvements are available via the Service Catalog console in all commercial AWS Regions and AWS GovCloud (US).