Posted On: Nov 16, 2022
You can now use AWS Systems Manager OpsCenter to diagnose and remediate operational issues across AWS accounts. You can use a central account to view operational issues in another account (e.g. impaired instances, degraded storage volumes, or non-compliant resources), view pertinent diagnostic information for each issue, and use pre-defined automation runbooks to remediate the issues.
Adopting a multi-account strategy allows for improved security, simple cost allocation, and controlled access to resources. However, with AWS resources spread across multiple accounts, operators need a way to centrally diagnose and remediate operational issues without the need to log in and out of each individual AWS account. With this launch, that is now possible. For example, if an instance in any AWS account runs out of disk space, an operator logged into the central account can view diagnostic information such as disk usage trends, disk read and write metrics, instance and storage volume information, logs, and recent configuration changes, without having to switch accounts. The operator can also run a pre-defined runbook to increase the storage volume size for the affected instance without having to switch accounts.
There is no additional charge for this new feature, and it is available today for existing and new OpsCenter customers in all commercial and AWS GovCloud (US) Regions where AWS Systems Manager is offered, except Amazon China (Beijing, operated by Sinnet), and China (Ningxia, operated by NWCD) Regions.
To set up OpsCenter to work with OpsItems across accounts, follow these instructions. For more details about OpsCenter, visit the AWS Systems Manager User Guide. To learn more about Systems Manager features, see AWS Systems Manager.