Posted On: Apr 28, 2023

Today, AWS announces the expanded support of AWS Fault Injection Simulator (FIS) for Amazon EC2 with a new SSM document to the fill disk of EC2 instances. FIS is a fully managed service which allows you to run experiments to test how your applications behaves during an impairment, and helps you improve application performance, observability, and resilience. The new disk fill document consumes disk space to see how the application behaves when disk space is unavailable.

Building applications that are resilient to the “No space left on device” error is critical. These errors are often the result of unnecessary files opened or the lack of log managements and can lead to bugs or outages. With FIS disk fill, these errors can be reproduced and underlying issues discovered and fixed. No new agent is required; disk fill uses the AWS System Manager agent already available on EC2’s Amazon Machine Images (AMIs). All FIS SSM documents support the following operating systems: Amazon Linux, Ubuntu, and now Amazon Linux 2023, CentOS, and RHEL as well.

Disk fill is now available in all AWS Regions where FIS is available, including the AWS GovCloud (US) Regions.

To get started using disk fill, log in to FIS in the AWS FIS AWS Management Console or view the disk fill documentation.