Posted On: Apr 12, 2023

Starting today, customers can receive cost data for Amazon Elastic Container Service (Amazon ECS) tasks and AWS Batch jobs in the AWS Cost and Usage Reports (CUR), enabling you to analyze, optimize, and chargeback cost and usage for your containerized applications. With AWS Split Cost Allocation Data, customers can now allocate application costs to individual business units and teams based on how containerized applications consume shared compute and memory resources.

Amazon ECS is a fully managed container orchestration service that makes it easy for you to deploy, manage, and scale containerized applications. Using Amazon ECS, customers create resources such as services, tasks, and clusters, spread across different teams, products, business units, and environments. With visibility into the cost of the underlying workloads, customers can allocate costs to individual business units or teams. Previously only Amazon ECS task usage data was available in the AWS CUR for customers using the EC2 launch type. Now you can view cost data for your Amazon ECS tasks in the AWS CUR. Customers using the AWS Fargate launch type can also view their actual CPU and memory usage in the AWS CUR. AWS Batch customers running workloads using Amazon ECS on Amazon EC2 and AWS Fargate compute environments will also see their cost and usage in the AWS CUR.

Split Cost Allocation Data is available in all AWS commercial regions, excluding China. To start receiving Amazon ECS task cost data in the AWS CUR, visit AWS Cost and Usage Reports, Understanding Split Cost Allocation Data.