Posted On: Jan 30, 2024

Starting today, Amazon DataZone is now available in 2 additional commercial regions: Asia Pacific (Seoul) and Europe (London).

Amazon DataZone is a fully managed data management service to catalog, discover, analyze, share, and govern data between data producers and consumers in your organization. With Amazon DataZone, data producers populate the business data catalog with structured data assets from AWS Glue Data Catalog and Amazon Redshift tables. Data consumers search and subscribe to data assets in the data catalog and share with other business use case collaborators. Consumers can analyze their subscribed data assets with tools—such as Amazon Redshift or Amazon Athena query editors—that are directly accessed from the Amazon DataZone portal. The integrated publishing-and-subscription workflow provides access-auditing capabilities across projects.

With this launch, Amazon DataZone is now generally available in 13 AWS regions. To learn more, see the Amazon DataZone webpage and Amazon DataZone user guide.