AWS Network Firewall expands the list of supported protocols and keywords in firewall rules
Today, we are excited to announce support for new protocols in AWS Network Firewall so you can protect your Amazon VPCs using application-specific inspection rules. With this launch, AWS Network Firewall will detect protocols like HTTP2, QUIC, and PostgreSQL so you can apply firewall inspection rules to these protocols. You can also use new rule keywords in TLS, SNMP, DHCP, and Kerberos rules to apply granular security controls to your stateful inspection rules.
AWS Network Firewall is a managed firewall service that makes it easy to deploy essential network protections for all your Amazon VPCs. It’s flexible rules engine lets you define firewall rules that give you fine-grained control over network traffic. You can also enable AWS Managed Rules for intrusion detection and prevention signatures that protect against threats such as botnets, scanners, web attacks, phishing and emerging events.
You can create AWS Network Firewall rules using Amazon VPC console, AWS CLI or the Network Firewall API. To see which regions AWS Network Firewall is available in, visit the AWS Region Table. For more information, please see the AWS Network Firewall product page and the service documentation.