AWS Pricing Calculator Features (Preview)
Estimate the cost for your architecture solution
Page Topics
Workload Estimate
Workload estimate allows users to estimate the cost of specific workloads, applications, resources, and architectural changes for free with real-time cost estimates including discounts.
Bill Estimate
Bill estimates allows you to estimate pre-tax costs of your usage and commitments applied across your consolidated bill family. You can model new usage changes as well as add new commitments and modify your existing commitments.
New Usage
Users can add net new usage to an estimate for scenarios involving new workloads and applications
Historical Usage
AWS Pricing Calculator enables customers to import historical usage into their estimate as a baseline
Usage Modification
Users can modify historical usage to reflect future usage changes based on expected changes to their applications and workloads
Import Public Calculator URL
AWS Pricing Calculator enables users to import usage via a public calculator estimate's URL
Discount Inclusion
Estimates can be generated with either before discount or after discount rates
Share Estimates
Users can use IAM permissions to share their estimates to share their estimates with others in their organization
API Access
AWS Pricing Calculator provides an API for programmatic access to all features, enabling seamless integration with your products and services.