Domino Data Lab on AWS

Unleashing Data Science Innovation in Credit & Finance Analytics

Domino Data Lab offers a centralized platform that helps IT management rein in the data science tools, assets, and infrastructure that are spread throughout many organizations today. Together, Domino and AWS provide a powerful data science platform for accelerating innovation while optimizing efficiencies, scalability, and security.

Domino is an AWS Partner with Financial Services and Machine Learning Competency designations.

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    Solution highlights:

    • Build team knowledge through enhanced collaboration, sharing and communication
    • Parallelize work and run more experiments per day
    • Reduce overhead with automatic version control and reproducibility
    • Streamline deployment and reduce DevOps costs associated with model deployment
    • Reduce costs via central resource management and reporting

    Key features provided by this data science platform:

    • A centralized hub for sharing research and insights
    • Streamlined process across the entire lifecycle, from exploration to deployment
    • Faster cycle times, encouraging nimble experimentation and innovation
    • Deploy, track and manage all production models from a central console
    • Automatic governance and reproducibility

    AWS and AWS Partners streamline your implementation and adoption of AI environments on AWS. Domino Data Lab and AWS have specifically collaborated on a solution to simplify sharing of content, collaborate more effectively, test more ideas, and publish new models into production faster.

  • Launch
  • Launch

    The Domino Data Lab data science platform can be deployed from AWS Marketplace. Domino is delivered as a multi-tenant SaaS or using an AWS Virtual Private Cloud (VPC). VPC deployments are instantiated in the region of your choice, including GovCloud, and can leverage a pre-existing VPC or be stood up as a new one.

  • Work with an AWS Partner
  • Work with an AWS Partner

    AWS Partners with Big Data Competency designation offer services to help you quickly discover value from this data lake foundation solution. Follow these links to find more about these AWS Partners, and to request more information or support.

    Learn more about the AWS Competency Program »


    Collaborative Data Science Platform

    Be Adaptive, Solve Problems-Determine What Might Happen Next Using Data Science and building your world-class data science capability with Pariveda.


  • Purchase
  • Purchase

    In addition to the software subscription fee for Domino Data Lab in AWS Marketplace, you must pay for the marginal usage charges for EC2 machines. These charges will vary based on workloads and instance types.

    You are responsible for the cost of the Amazon Web Services (AWS) services used while running this solution. Some of these settings, such as instance type, will affect the cost of deployment. See the pricing pages for each AWS service you will be using and consult with your Domino representative for cost estimates.

Learn more about Financial Services Partner Solutions