Getting started with Amazon S3 Multi-Region Access Points


Clean up resources

To finish this tutorial, you will clean up the resources created in this tutorial

Resource cleanup

In this module, you will go through the steps to delete all the resources you created throughout this tutorial. It is a best practice to delete resources you are no longer using to avoid unwanted charges.

 Time to complete

10 minutes

9.1 - Stop load generator script

  • Stop the script from step 8.1, and delete the 1MiB files from the computer where you ran the script.

9.2 - Remove VPC endpoints and EC2 instances

9.3 - Delete your new Multi-Region Access Point

  • Delete your new Multi-Region Access Point.
    • In the Amazon S3 console menu, chose Multi-Region Access Points.
    • Select the radio button to the left of the name of your access point, then select Delete.
    • To confirm deletion, enter the Multi-Region Access Point name in the text input field, then select Delete.

9.4 - Empty and then delete the new S3 buckets created for this guide. Deleting a bucket will automatically delete its replication rules.

  • In the Amazon S3 console menu, select Buckets.
  • Select the radio button to the left of the name of your first new bucket to select it, then select Empty.
  • To confirm, type permanently delete in the text input field. Then, select Empty.
  • Select Exit to return to the buckets list.
  • Select the button to the left of the name of your first new bucket to select it again, then select Delete.
  • To confirm deletion, type the name of the bucket in the text input field, then select Delete.
  • Repeat this step for all the S3 buckets you created for this tutorial.


Congratulations! You have learned how to set up and use an Amazon S3 Multi-Region Access Point to access data in multiple regional S3 buckets via a single global endpoint, and tested the failover controls capability.

Next steps

You can continue your journey with AWS by following the next steps in the section below.