Posted On: Nov 17, 2017

AWS Database Migration Service (DMS) offers two new ways to validate your database migration: pre-migration validation and post-migration data validation. 

Pre-migration validation checks your migration task setting prior to launch, and alerts you to potential issues. For example, it may find that you’re trying to migrate an unsupported data type. Read more about this feature here.

Post-migration data validation verifies that all data selected for migration was successfully migrated. This form of validation may prevent operational or compliance failures. Post-migration data validation is available for both full load and on-going replication phases in a migration. Read more about this feature here.

Both types of validation are available through the AWS DMS console and the API. Please visit the DMS product page or documentation for more information, and see AWS DMS Pricing for regional availability.

Modified 12/27/2021 – In an effort to ensure a great experience, expired links in this post have been updated or removed from the original post.